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Dream Amethyst Crystal Wand

Dream Amethyst Crystal Wand


Weight: 465g | 7.5 inches in lenght


    Introducing our Dream Amethyst Crystal Cluster Specimen, a captivating and enchanting piece that embodies the beauty of dreamy amethyst. This specimen features a cluster of amethyst crystals with stunning shades of purple and a delicate shimmer. Each cluster is meticulously selected, showcasing the natural formations and unique characteristics of dream amethyst. Known for its soothing and calming properties, dream amethyst promotes relaxation, restful sleep, and vivid dreams. Whether you're a crystal enthusiast, collector, or seeking a tranquil presence in your space, our Dream Amethyst Crystal Cluster Specimen is sure to mesmerize you. Display it in your home or office to create a serene atmosphere and invite the gentle energies of dream amethyst into your surroundings. Experience the enchanting beauty and positive vibrations of dream amethyst with our exquisite Crystal Cluster Specimen.

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